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Juju - Brawlstarslovergirl
Updated Nov 2, 2024

ElementalistNumbing NeedlesShieldGadget Charge
ElementalistNumbing NeedlesShieldGadget Charge

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Juju gains a temporary buff based on the current environment she is standing on.
Earth: Damage reduction
Grass: Invisibility
Water: Increased movement speed

Numbing Needles
Star Power

Numbing Needles

Gris-Gris' attack now also slows the enemy for 1 sec.

Gear 1


Gain extra 900 Health as a consumable Shield. The shield regenerates in 10 seconds, when at full health.

Gadget Charge
Gear 2

Gadget Charge

Increases number of Gadget uses per battle by 1.


××××××××× I N T R O ×××××××××
Juju is a very versatile, throwing damage dealer with crowd control capabilities and various utility abilities. She is quite moderate in all stats, but is able to enhance herself using the environment. This allows her to quickly adapt to diverse battle scenarios.××××××××× S T A T S ×××××××××
Stats compared to 7 Artillery class brawlers (Lv11);
7th - Base Damage [1×1600]
7th - Attack Range [6.33 +1.75 AOE]
1st - Reload Speed [1.6s - 'Normal']
3rd - Projectile Speed [1750]
Health Points [6000]
Movement Speed [720pt - 'Normal']
Super Charge Rate [~21-22%] (5 Hits to charge)××××××××× T R A I T S ×××××××××
"ATTACK - Juju throws projectiles empowered by the environment she is standing on, giving them different properties!"
= Environmental boost:
Ground 🪨 Damage [1×2000] (+20%)
Grass 🌿 Range [9 +1.75 AOE] (+43%)
Water 💧Effect [4s Slow]
"MOVEMENT - This brawler can walk on water"
"SUPER - Juju summons Gris-Gris. This spooky voodoo doll drags itself to the nearest enemy and throws needles at them."
= Gris-Gris (aka GG)
Base Damage [1600]
Attack Range [5]
Reload Speed [~1.2s]
Projectile Speed [2500]
Health Points [7200]
Movement Speed [620pt - 'Slow']
Super Charge Rate [~6%] (17 Hits to charge)××××××××× G A D G E T S ×××××××××
"Activating this Gadget allows Juju's next attack to combine the buffs from all (🪨🌿💧) environments..."
= Damage [+20%], Range [+43%], Effect [4s Slow]
"Juju gains a buff for 3 seconds based on the current environment she is standing on..."
= Environmental buffs:
Ground 🪨 Damage Reduction [50%]
Grass 🌿 Invisibility
Water 💧Speed [+100pt / ~15%]
Both Gadgets have their uses. 'Voodoo Chile' allows for long range ambushes that slow the enemy, or getting that last hit on a running enemy, without the need of standing on a specific environment to trigger a slowing attack. 'Elementalist' buffs can be used for offense as well as defense, however this gadget has less general use in maps with no water or fewer bushes.
'Voodoo Chile' is the preferred gadget in maps without water. Long range slowing attacks on demand.××××××××× S T A R P O W E R S ×××××××××
1. •• Guarded Gris-Gris ••
"Gris-Gris is summoned with a protective shield."
= Gris-Gris buffs:
Shield [2160 HP]
Decay [-216 HP / 1s]
Shield lasts for 10 seconds, losing 108 HP every 0.5 seconds. This Star Power is situational, usable in map controlling. The extra health (might) let GG tank one or two more hits from an enemy before he dies. This can give you some extra time to reload and throw 1 more attack, which allows you to recharge and cast your Super again. Can work as a pushing tool in lanes but this only works when facing a single enemy, as multiple enemies would kill GG in an instant.
2. •• Numbing Needles ••
"Gris-Gris' attack now also slows the enemy for 1.0 sec."
Enemies hit by GG's attacks will be slowed down for 1 second. This is an extremely efficient counter tool against melee Brawlers, giving you the possibility to create distance, avoid damage and hit auto-aimed attacks. Or when throwing GG at snipers or artillery Brawlers (behind walls) which prevents them from kiting, dodging or escaping.
This also lets you kite enemies around walls with ease, as the enemy will not be able to catch you. This forces them to focus their attention on GG giving you the opportunity for an easy kill.
Overall the better choice in most maps/scenarios.××××××××× G E A R S ×××××××××
(This is a personal preference)
•• Gadget Charge ••
A 4th charge on your gadget, life or death. This could help you land that extra kill, or save your life once more. Easy pick for me.
•• Health ••
I prefer Health regeneration over Speed, Shield or Damage. This lets you return to a fight very quickly after an encounter.
•• Speed ••
A close second. Needs bushy maps to prove its worth, but will help with dodging and poking.
•• Shield ••
Never a bad pick. This could prove more usefull than Health Gear in smaller maps as you will get hit more often.
You will notice that because of Juju's (long) ranged throwing attacks, a summon that will slow enemies & tank hits, and a multifunctional defensive Gadget, you barely effectively use other Gears to their full potentialThanks for reading! I hope this information proved useful and you'll get to enjoy Juju and GG as much as I do!

About This Build

This build, juju:), was created by Brawlstarslovergirl on Nov 2, 2024. The build is for the Brawler, Juju, and uses the Elementalist gadget, Numbing Needles star power, Shield gear, and Gadget Charge gear. To see more, you can go here to view the best Juju build and others.

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